How Much Will It Cost

All of the financial advisers on our panel are purely indpenedent so you can have complete confidence their only agenda is achieving your objectives. Because of this there is no hidden fees or commission.
Your initial consultation is free of charge and will be used as an opportunity to see if your adviser can help or advise you. From here you will collectively agree a fee depednent on the work involved before proceeding.

The financial services industry typically operates in percentages so expect to pay based on the percentage of assets handled. IFA's pay levies, insurance and regulator costs based on the percentage of assets they handle which is why they have adopted this model.

There are three common fee's applicable:

Report Fee

This typically covers the research, analysis and formal recommendation

Implementation Fee

More often than not this comes directly from the pension/investment

Ongoing Fee

This covers the ongoing managmenet of the investment strartegy and provides access to a financial adviser

However, we encourage you to speak with your adviser as they will in no doubt want to give clarity and align
expectations on possible fees.